
REPL Dr. Advice No.21 Bronchitis Drop

: Available:

• Helps in cough with thick mucus.
• Helps to relieve shortness of breath.
• Helps in chest pressure or discomfort.
• Helps in symptoms associated with sore throat.

₹. 162.00   MRP: 170.0


Country of origin : India
Manufacturer details : Renovision Exports Pvt. Ltd

REPL Dr. Advice No.21 Bronchitis Drop - Renovision Exports Pvt. Ltd

Indication:  Bronchitis is an inflammation of the bronchial tubes, the airways that carry air to your lungs. It causes a cough that often brings up mucus. It can also cause shortness of breath, wheezing, a low fever, and chest tightness. Bronchial tubes overloaded with mucus cough excited by eating, chest pain in larynx, Much palpitation, edema, and impending paralysis of lungs. Great rattling of mucus. True bronchitis. 


Mode of Action

1.      Aconitinum Napellus 6x: Painful pricking in the chest, chiefly when breathing. Pleurisy and pneumonia.

2.      Ipecacuanha 6x: Spasm in the chest, palpitation of the heart.

3.      Antimonium Tartaricum 6x: Rattling of the chest when breathing. Inflammation of the lungs.

4.      Bryonia Alba 6x: Heat in the chest (Pleurisy, Pneumonia).

5.      Natrum Sulphuricum 12x: Shootings in chest and sides of chest which are painful, esp when coughing.

6.      Lycopodium 12x: Short respiration during almost every effort, also in children.

7.      Cimicifuga Recemosa  (Actaea Rac.) 3x: Night cough, dry, constant, short every attempt to speak. 



(1) Adult:- 10-15 Drops with boiled water every 3 hours, in chronic conditions the same dose every one hour.

(2) Children:-Half of the Adult's dose.



Constituent QTY
Aconit - 6X 0.50 ml
Ipecac - 6X 0.75 ml
Antim. Tart. - 6 1.25 ml
Bryonia - 6X 1.00 ml
Natr Sulph - 12X 0.50 ml
Lycopodium - 12X 0.50 ml
Cimicifuga recemosa-Q (Actaea rac.) 0.50 ml


Packing Size 30ml.


                                   MUST CONSULT PHYSICIAN BEFORE USE.





The statements above and about this product have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The information on this Leaflet/brochure/Website or in emails is designed for educational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for informed medical advice or care. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat any health problems or illnesses without consulting your physician or family doctor.

Manufacturer details : Renovision Exports Pvt. Ltd

Address: Renovision Exports Pvt Ltd. Bhuyandh, Karnidih,
P.O.- Chilgu, P.S. - Chandil, Dist Seraikela-Kharswan, Jharkhand-832401