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: Available:
Rs. 162.00 Rs. 180.00
Indication: Soreness in sacroiliac symphysis, as if broken Numbness and crawling are characteristic sensations weak spine, Pain in the coccyx, and Spinal irritation after injuries to the spine. Diseases of bones of the spine.
1. Silicea 12x: Swelling and distortion of the spine, the curvature of the vertebrae. Shooting in the loins.
2. Calcarea Phosphorica 6x: Curvature of the spine to the left, lumber vertebrae bend to the left.
3. Aurum Metallicum 6: Pain in the lower part of the spine, Stinging pains in the small of the back.
4. Hekla Lava 3: Studding neck like a raw of pearls, Hip disease, severe continuous pain from work.
5. Macrotinum 6x: Pain in the whole back as if muscles bruised, Pulsating pain in the back.
Ingredient | Quantity (per 5 ml) |
Silicea 12x | 1.00 ml |
Calc Phos - 6 | 1.00 ml |
Aurum Met - 6 | 0.50 ml |
Hecla Lava 3 | 0.50 ml |
Macrotin - 12 | 2.00 ml |
Packing Size 30ml.
The statements above and about this product have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The information on this Leaflet/brochure/Website or in emails is designed for educational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for informed medical advice or care. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat any health problems or illnesses without consulting your physician or family doctor.
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