
Dr. Advice® NO. 10 Vaginitis Treatment for Effective Relief

: Available:

• Helps in cutting hip pain.
• Helps with pain during intercourse or urination.
• Helps prevent vaginal inflammation that can result
in discharge, itching, and pain.
• Helps with the feeling of pulling strings from the
abdomen and Menorrhagia.

₹. 162.00   MRP: 180.0


Country of origin : India
Manufacturer details : Renovision Exports Pvt. Ltd

Dr. Advice® NO. 10 (VAGINITESS) - Renovision Exports Pvt. Ltd

Indication: Great falling out of hair. Premature Baldness. Hair falls out. My scalp feels tense, and gray hair, and Alopecia.


Usage Direction: Add 5 to 10 drops of medicine with little water and have it 3 times a day. For older diseases, have it 4 times a day for a very long period. After the patient gets cured also, have it once a day or as instructed by Homeopathic Doctor.


Mode of Action:

1.       Selenium 6x: Falling of the hair when combing it, pain in the scalp, as if the hair were pulled out.

2.       Lycopodium 12x:  The hair becomes gray with early Baldness. The hair falls out first on the vertex and Later on the temples.

3.       Acidum Flouricum (Fluoric Acid) 6x: Hair falls out and grows again rapidly. New growth is darker.

4.       Fluoric Acid: Falling off of the hair. The new hair is dry and breaks off.

5.       Kali Sulfur 6x: Yellow dandruff, moist sticky Bald spot.

6.       Silicea 6x: Violent itching in the scalp. Moist scalp head, which itches- Falling off of the hair.



Ingredient Quantity
Selenium - 6 1.50 ml
Lycopodium - 12X 1.25 ml
Wiesbaden - 6X 0.75 ml
Acidum flouricum - 6X (Flouric Acid) 0.50 ml
Kali Sulphur - 6 0.50 ml
Silicea - 12 0.50 ml

Packing Size 30ml.

Due to a lack of 'Hormones' sometimes body is not getting internal fluid in right proportion, due to that growth of the same part of the body gets stopped and disease starts. for l.e.g. hair gets white in color, starts hair falling, becomes bald, etc. is happen due to not creation perfect internal fluid in the right proportion in the thyroid gland. If the body does not get the right proportion of this internal fluid, with the help of intake of this medicine, the disease can be get cured. Due to this hair will not be turned to white in color so easily, less hair falling, doesn't become bald. Medicine started work like that, the thyroid gland starts to do working natural manner, due to this hormone discharges in proper ratio and gives nutrition to hair Root-follicles. - follicles; disease gets cures automatically. There is no any side-effect seen on the body.

That's why the concerned medicine is prepared after keeping all these in mind. For advance effect, it is prepared such as its works on each and every people, in the same manner, however, the worm which was prepared in the which are already prepared is becoming more powerful. To remove bald or to stop the hair loss, this medicine proved for more effective and useful.






The statements above and about this product have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The information on this Leaflet/brochure/Website or in emails is designed for educational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for informed medical advice or care. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat any health problems or illnesses without consulting your physician or family doctor.

Manufacturer details : Renovision Exports Pvt. Ltd

Address: Renovision Exports Pvt Ltd. Bhuyandh, Karnidih,
P.O.- Chilgu, P.S. - Chandil, Dist Seraikela-Kharswan, Jharkhand-832401